Old school Swatch Watches
Gta vice city cover
• Requirements: •Minimum: [800 MHz Intel Pentium III or 800 MHz AMD Athlon or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2 GHz AMD Duron processor] [128 MB of RAM] [8 speed CD / DVD drive] [915 MB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)] [32 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce" or better)] [Sound Card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers Keyboard & Mouse] •Recommended : [Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor 256(+) MB of RAM] [16 speed CD / DVD drive] [1.55 GB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)] [64(+) MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce 3" / "Radeon 8500" or better with DirectX Texture Compression support)] [DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with surround sound] [Gamepad (USB or Joystick Port) Keyboard & Mouse]
Grand Theft Auto Vice City

System Requirements: ¤Recommended System Requirements: [Intel Pentuim 4 or AMD XP Processor (or better)] [384MB RAM] [16x Speed DVD Drive] [4.7GB Hard Drive Space] [128MB Video Card] [DirectX 9 compatible sound & video drivers] [Keyboard, mouse or game pad] ¤Minimum System Requirements: [1GHz Pentuim III or AMD Athlon] [256MB RAM] [8x Speed DVD Drive] [3.6 GB Hard Disk Space] [64MB Video Card] [DirectX 9 compatable sound & video drivers] [Keyboard, mouse]
Grand Theft Auto San andreas
Hmm a w l
Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life USA
Command & Conquer - Red Alert
Redalert2 cover
Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 (espanol)
Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 (english)
Final fantasy
Final Fantasy 7 (english)
If there is a problem send to my email emo.devil19@yahoo.co.id
If necessary use Indonesian to be easily answered

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